Green waste from street side spaces

Possibilities of disposal / further processing and legal clarification


The green waste that occurs when maintaining street sides represents a challenge for the operational departments. It must be disposed of or recycled. This requires resources and incurs costs.


Project goal

The project aims to show the responsible operational departments legally secure options for recycling and / or disposal of green waste and thus support them in completing their tasks.
Based on the findings achieved in the project, a service description should also be created for the development of a practise-oriented app that can support the authorities in recording, managing and marketing green waste.
The results generated as part of the project also contribute to the further development of management concepts to promote biodiversity and support the implementation of national strategies (Federal Insect Protection Program, StrÖff, National Strategy on biological diversity, German sustainability strategy) and laws (BNatSchG, Climate Protection Act) and international agreements (CBD).


Project content

At the beginning of the project, an inventory is carried out with regard to possible local buyers, such as machine / operating rings and contractors, as well as regional recycling plants, such as biowaste fermentation plants, pyrolysis plants, etc.
Building on this, the next step will be to develop strategies for recycling and disposing of green waste and wood cuttings. For this purpose, the possible recycling routes for the use or disposal of green waste are described, examined legally and evaluated with regard to their feasibility, taking into account the applicable framework conditions. The evaluation of the recycling paths is carried out from a holistic perspective (economic, legal, ecological etc.).


Project organization

  • WP 1: Disposal options / Further processing
  • WP 2: Legal framework
  • WP 3: Concept
  • WP 4: Organization
    • WP 4.1: Project structure, -lead and -coordination
    • WP 4.2: Meetings
    • WP 4.3: Documentation
    • WP 4.4: Quality assurance measures
    • WP 4.5: Resource planning



09/2023 to 10/2024