
The IZES gGmbH was founded in November 1999 as an institute associated to the University of Applied Sciences of Saarland (htw saar). It was created by the initiative of the Federal State Saarland, several energy companies and energy service providers, as well as the University of Saarland and the University of Applied Sciences of Saarland (htw saar). The IZES was initially operated as a registered association (ZES e.V.). After merging with the Energy Agency of Saarland (later AZES GmbH) in 2005, the IZES is now operating as a limited non-profit organization.

Next to its main shareholder, the State of Saarland, the Stadtwerke Saarbrücken Netz AG, the VSE AG, the STEAG New Energies GmbH, the Pfalzwerke AG, the Enovos Deutschland SE, the htw saar (University of Applied Sciences) and the University of Saarland have ownership shares in the IZES gGmbH.

The interdisciplinary team of scientific staff consists of economists, industrial, mechanical, civil, environmental, agricultural and electrical engineers, forestry experts, political and social scientists, environmental lawyers, spatial and environmental planners, geographers, psychologists, environmental scientists, environmental scientists and environmental engineers. environmental, agricultural and electrical engineers, foresters, political and social scientists, environmental lawyers, spatial and environmental planners, geographers, psychologists, computer scientists and chemists and is supported by undergraduates, bachelor’s and master’s students, interns and assistants from various degree programmes.

The purpose of the organisation is to promote science and research as well as environmental protection, in particular through application-oriented research and development in the field of sustainable energy and material flow systems. The approach of IZES gGmbH is interdisciplinary and combines practical topics with scientific questions and approaches.

IZES gGmbH manages regional, national and international projects on behalf of and in cooperation with municipalities, authorities, ministries, institutions, national and European funding organisations, private sector companies and other scientific institutions. In addition to initiating and providing scientific support for cooperation projects in Germany and neighbouring European countries, IZES gGmbH is also involved in large-scale scientific projects with an international focus.

In its own test and demonstration facilities, technical equipment is available with which a selected range of analyses and quality tests can be carried out and innovative technology and process developments made possible. A test biogas plant and a briquetting press are also available for research purposes – partly in co-operation with htw saar.

The IZES gGmbH is divided into 5 departements:

The IZES gGmbH was founded in November 1999 as an institute associated to the University of Applied Sciences of Saarland (htw saar). It was created by the initiative of the Federal State Saarland, several energy companies and energy service providers, as well as the University of Saarland and the University of Applied Sciences of Saarland (htw saar). The IZES was initially operated as a registered association (ZES e.V.). After merging with the Energy Agency of Saarland (later AZES GmbH) in 2005, the IZES is now operating as a limited non-profit organization.

Next to its main shareholder, the State of Saarland, the Stadtwerke Saarbrücken Netz AG, the VSE AG, the STEAG New Energies GmbH, the Pfalzwerke AG, the Enovos Deutschland SE, the htw saar (University of Applied Sciences) and the University of Saarland have ownership shares in the IZES gGmbH.

The interdisciplinary team of research assistants consists inter alia in economists, industrial, mechanical, civil, environmental, agricultural and electrical engineers, foresters, political and social scientists, environmental lawyers, spatial and environmental planners, geographers, psychologists, computer scientists and chemists. It is also supported by diploma students, bachelor and master students, auxiiliaries and trainees coming from different study courses.

The company’s object is the promotion of science and research as well as environmental protection, in particular by applied research and development in the field of sustainable energy and material flow systems. The approach of the IZES gGmbH is interdisciplinary and connects practice-related topics with scientific issues and approaches to thinking

Find out more about our fields of work, their current projects and employees by clicking on the respective field or get an overview of all fields of work on our overview page.

Upcoming Events

11. EnergieKongress 2024

Strukturwandel und Transformation
Systemische Fragen der Energiewende

Schloss Saarbrücken

Die diesjährige Veranstaltung setzt die Energiewende im Rahmen spannender Vorträge aus systemischer Sicht in einen Zusammenhang mit den Aspekten des Strukturwandels und der Transformation. Aufbauend auf der notwendigen Defossilisierung unseres Energiesystems werden dabei Schnittstellen, Wechselwirkungen und mögliche Interessenkonflikte z.B. mit den Bereichen der Systemtransformation, der Ressourcen- und Raumnutzung, der Kreislaufwirtschaft, der Ökosystemdienstleistungen sowie der gesellschaftlichen Aspekte betrachtet. Dabei wollen wir […]

Tag der der Elektromobilität

20.09.2024 @ 9:00 - 15:00

Herzliche Einladung zum Tag der Elektromobilität im Saarland am 20.09.2024. Diesen organisieren wir gemeinsam mit dem Ministerium für Umwelt, Klima, Mobilität, Agrar und Verbraucherschutzgemeinsam und dem saarländischen Kfz-Verband.

Wie sollen Städte, Straßen und Wege der Zukunft aussehen? Erzähl uns, wie du dich am liebsten fortbewegst und wie du dir deine Traumstadt vorstellst. Ein Künstler wird deine Ideen in einem großen Bild festhalten. Gemeinsam überlegen wir, wie wir die Ideen von Kindern besser sichtbar machen können. Es erwartet dich ein spannender Tag voller Kreativität und Teamwork!

Die Bundesabwärmetagung ist das Jahresevent für alle Akteur*innen bundesweit, die sich mit Abwärmenutzung im Speziellen und der Wärmewende im Allgemeinen beschäftigen.

Das Hauptevent findet als ganztägige Tagung am 10. Oktober 2024 in Berlin statt, weitere Side Events wie Exkursionen zu lokalen Abwärmeprojekten und ein Stakeholder-Netzwerkabend bereits am Vortag, dem 9. Oktober 2024. Das diesjährige Tagungsprogramm ist zugleich der Kick-Off des vom BMWK begleiteten und geförderten AwaNetz-Projektes (2024-2028) unter dem Motto „Abwärmenutzung gemeinsam zum Mainstream machen“.

Die Teilnahme am Hauptevent (Bundesabwärmetagung) ist kostenfrei.

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