MakroBiogas – Analysis of overall economic effects of biogas plants – impact assessment of EEG
Goal of the Project
The project’s objective is to analyse the existing and possible trans-sectoral system services of biogas plants apart from electricity markets. The study will contribute to public discussion of future role of bioenergy, which is commonly focused on electricity production costs instead of climate change mitigation effects and other relevant economic effects driven by EEG.
Cost reductions or value creation e.g. in agricultural, waste-management or forestry sector are respected as shown in the figure below. The project will comprehensively demonstrate and quantify these effects, basing on two final studies of IZES and DBFZ, and will analyse the implications of alternative financing and of portfolio development of biogas plants.
Action plan
The project consisting of six work packages integrates three partners: IZES (project lead), DBFZ and UFZ.
- WP 1 includes project coordination (primary responsibility: IZES),
- WP 2 review of overall economic effects of biogas utilization and related methods as well as analysis of sectoral financing instruments besides the EEG (primary responsibility: UFZ),
- WP 3 closer analysis of sectoral effects of biogas plants apart from electricity markets basing on detailed calculations of certain biogas plants (primary responsibility: IZES),
- WP 4 scenario development describing biogas portfolio development until 2035 (primary responsibility: DBFZ),
- as base for analysing spatial and resource-related as well as greenhouse effects (WP 5, primary resonsibility: DBFZ),
- WP 6 gives an overview of possible consequences of current politics and derivation of recommendations of action (primary responsibility: IZES).
Supported by
- UFZ GmbH
- DBFZ gGmbH