ReNu2Farm – Nutrient Recycling – from pilot production to farms and fields
Nowadays in North-West Europe 5.4 Mt N and 0.4 Mt P of mineral fertilisers are spread on agricultural land. Almost 100% of mineral fertilisers are imported into EU and only ca. 5% of total fertiliser amount spread in the regions are based on organically recycled materials. P and K are limited and finite resources, and the production of N fertilisers is energy intensive. Despite available recovery technologies, the use of recycling-derived fertiliser products in farming is limited.
The objective is the substitution of mineral fertilisers through closing of nutrient cycles and to contribute to a sustainable agriculture by supporting demand-oriented application of nutrients.
Project contents
With the establishment of special processes a tailor-made organic fertiliser product will be developed, which meets the demand of different stakeholders (agriculture, trade, consultancies) and could be applied as a substitute for mineral fertilisers. The developing of national and transnational markets will consider legal, environmental and socio-economic barriers. Moreover, the regions with nutrient surplus and high nutrient demand will be identified and this will enable nutrient allocation across national borders. The outcome will be delivered in the form of recommendations for policy makers as well as application guidelines for practices. All project activities contribute on establishing market introduction strategies for recycling-derived products in different regions.
- Projectsheet
>> Download - Demand for recycled nutrients in every region: tailor made recycling-derived fertilisers have the highest impact. Press release, 28.10.2019
>> Press release
- University Limerick
- Cork Institute of Technology
- ARVALIS Institut du végétal
- Soil Concept S.A.
- Outotec GmbH
- Nutrienten Management Instituut BV
- Ghent University
- Inagro
- Institute of Technology Carlow
Funding bodies: