
In order to decarbonise the heat grids in Germany and achieve the climate protection targets, the use of unavoidable waste heat must be significantly increased. Over the next four years, the AwaNetz project consortium, consisting of DENEFF EDL_HUB, empact and IZES, will set up a nationwide contact point for waste heat utilisation and implement a variety of measures, including

  • Implementation of a nationwide knowledge portal on “waste heat utilization”
  • Initiating and supporting waste heat networks together with the Initiative for Energy Efficiency and Climate Protection Networks (IEEKN)
  • Development of innovative tools
  • Conducting obstacle analyses and specialist events such as the annual Federal Waste Heat Conference

Laufzeit: 04/2024-03/2028
Kontakt: Juri Horst
Arbeitsfeld: Energiemärkte & Umweltpsychologie 
