Wood Added Value Enabler
The forests of the Greater Region characterise the landscape on more than a third of its territory. In view of climate change and the tense supply situation for wood as a resource, the limits of our globalised economy are becoming clear not only in the Greater Region.The W.A.V.E. project aims to develop an efficient local timber industry based on the preservation and transfer of the value of the local resource within the region. The use of wood material is to be sustainably strengthened, as this raw material has an excellent ecological balance and contributes to the reduction of carbon emissions through its carbon storage capacity. The forestry and wood sector provides a number of direct and indirect jobs within the Greater Region, of which almost 90% are SMEs or even micro-enterprises.
Project Objective
The following questions will be answered for the industry as part of the W.A.V.E. project: What joint measures can be developed to strengthen cooperation within and between sectors and ensure the relocalisation of processing and the use of wood as a building material? Pooling cross-border scientific expertise, creating common tools, exchanging best practices for the benefit of the entire wood sector in the Greater Region – these are the objectives of WAVE.
Project Schedule
In 4 work packages (WP), a cross-border strategy is to be created that can promote the transformation of companies in the timber industry towards an innovative and sustainable circular economy.
WP 1: Improve knowledge of the forest resources of the Greater Region by clarifying the mapping of forest composition. Special emphasis will be placed on rare and promising tree species.
WP 2: Increase the use of underutilised but available tree species. New products, technologies and for higher added value in the timber sector will be tested.
WP 3: The aim is to support timber companies in the GR in their transformation through innovation and digitalisation. The aim is cross-border networking and project generation for the promotion of innovation, technology transfer and digitalisation. The innovations should be developed along short paths and also promote the combination, dismantling capability and recyclability of wood and wood products.
WP4: The aim is to integrate the timber construction sector into the pillars of the circular economy by further developing the use of wood in combination with other materials in buildings. The project will support the economic development of the wood sector through the introduction of wood construction standards and use the exchange of experiences and best practices as a tool to raise awareness among planners, professionals and users.
Timber construction, timber, forestry, value chain, cluster, bioeconomy, wood.
Interreg Großregion, www.interreg-gr.eu
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