Digital Heat Map RP

Creation of a Digital Heat Map for Rhineland-Palatinate


On behalf of the Energy Agency Rhineland-Palatinate, IZES gGmbH has created a heat demand map. At the same time, a concept for the further development of the map was developed. The heat demand map is intended to support Rhineland-Palatinate’s cities and municipalities in local heat planning by providing basic data on local heat demand.

The concept shows how the heat demand map can be further developed in the coming years and what additional data is necessary to meet the future requirements of local heat planning.

Used database

Project design

The project can be divided into two work packages.
In the first work package the initial data from the Heat Atlas Germany 2.0 were processed and linked to the other data. In addition, the data were aggregated for presentation in the existing Energy Atlas of Rhineland-Palatinate.



The second work package focused on updating and enriching the heat demand map with further data. For this purpose, various use cases in heat planning were discussed and evaluated taking into account the potentially available data sources. The conclusions and recommendations of the work were summarised in a short concept.


08/2022 to 12/2022
Working field: