Nature Conservation Assessment of Agri-photovoltaic System

Description, balancing and evaluation of planned and constructed open spaces for Agri- and Biotope-PV



Photovoltaics (PV) play a key role in the goals to increase the share of renewable energies (RE) in the electricity sector. In addition to building integrated installation of solar modules, mainly on roofs, open-space photovoltaic systems have gained importance again in the past three years. Partly it’s due to the fact that the number of new installations has increased outside of the tenders under the Renewable Energy Feed in Law (EEG). From a nature conservation perspective, it is now necessary to examine to what extent the newer systems such as Agri-PV (APV) and Biotope-PV (BPV) have an impact on nature.

Quelle: Joachim Pertagnol, IZES gGmbH


Project Target

In the project, the topics Agri-PV and Biotope-PV are examined from a nature conservation and agronomic point of view on the basis of literature reviews and expert interviews. In the first part the current status of the implemented open-space PV systems in Germany and internationally are investigated. For the purpose, the current legal framework conditions must also be recognized and analyzed. In addition, data on economic efficiency as well as the impact and effects of the systems on nature and the landscape are assessed. In the second part it is to be clarified, which best practice examples exists and which nature conservation requirements they have to fulfill.


Project Design

The methodological basis of the project work is a meta-analysis of national and international literature and projects. This includes scientific publications, project reports, planning and approval documents as well as practical examples. In addition, interviews are conducted. Overall, the impacts and effects of different open-space PV systems on nature and landscape are compared. In particular when evaluating Agri-PV, the economic consideration plays an important role, especially since high-rised systems and vertical PV systems have different requirements. Both arable land and grassland are considered.

Technical requirements for construction of APV






01/2021 to 07/2021
Working fields: