
Formation of a European network of rural bioeconomy actors


Backround information

Within the framework of the three-year lasting project BioRural, funded by Horizon Europe, a European network of rural actors in the bioeconomy will be established. For this purpose, the needs of rural areas will be identified as well as obstacles and challenges. With this inventory of the bioeconomy, a strategy for the promotion of rural actors can be developed and, based on this, an added value for the bioeconomy can be created. Success stories will be created which describe innovative bio-based solutions in rural areas and serve as a model.

Aim of the project

The aim of the project is to develop a sustainable, regenerative and circular bioeconomy across Europe. For this purpose, rural bioeconomy actors will be networked across Europe to foster knowledge exchange and collaboration and generate added value for the regional, national and European bioeconomy. Surveys with experts and end users will be used to identify the needs of stakeholders in order to develop innovative biobased solutions and services. In addition, for networking and exchange, several workshops will be held to map the current state of bioeconomy actors and, based to promote knowledge transfer and the bioeconomy in rural areas.The network aims to strengthen communication between actors and facilitate collaborations.

Project flow

The project is divided into the following work packages:

Work package 1 analyzes the current status of the bioeconomy in the relevant European countries participating in the project.
Work package 2 identifies the innovation process for possible success stories.
Work package 3 develops educational material for knowledge exchange and stakeholder workshops taking place within the project.
Work package 4 develops a toolkit with numerous information on the current status of the rural bioeconomy at regional, national and EU level. Likewise, an inventory of research results (publications and projects), commercial bio-based solutions and funding opportunities will be provided.
Work package 5 will develop relevant communication material and work package 6 a project management manual as well as a data management plan.


Succes and impact assessment


Project partner




Funded by the European Union

09/2022 to 08/2025
Bernhard Wern
Material Flow Management