Heat Map Luxembourg

Pilot stage: Establishment of a national heat map for the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg



Luxembourg aims at the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 40% till 2030 compared to 2005. Besides, the share of renewable energies should be significantly increased. This is, however, not feasible without a targeted collaboration with the municipalities. They are indispensable partners for the nationwide implementation of necessary measures.
Therefore, the Luxembourg Ministry of Sustainable Development and Infrastructure (MDDI) supports specifically climate-political efforts of the municipalities since the climate pact 2012.
Perspectively, a nationwide heat map should be developed and set up a further instrument to support municipalities, especially in the implementation of the climate pact measures.


Project objective

The objective of the project presented here is to develop a uniform approach for an establishment of a national map for Luxembourg. It is focused thereby on the determing of local potentials for development of renewable heat supply as well as on the energy-efficient modernization of builidings. The national heat map should support municipalities in municipal and energy planning. At the same time, it should help the stakeholders in the establishment and development of heating strategies at the regional and/or national levels.



Essentially, the pilot stage described here consists of the three following work packages:

  • Conceptual desgin and refinement of the objective
  • Development of the data basic framework
  • Trial implementation of the desirable functions and their methodological description

In order to ensure, that the heat map will later fulfil the user requirements, multiple pilot communities are actively involved in the project form its beginning. The pilot municipalities are defined by the client at the beginning of the project.
Additionally, the project will be supported by the so called steering committee. It consists of the representatives from the MDDI, Ministry of economy and myenergy Luxembourg.
The duration of eight months is foreseen for the pilot stage. All analyses are limited therefore to the participating pilot municipalities.
The second project stage, in which the heat map will be extended on the entire Luxembourg, is planned in 2019 after the successful completion of the pilot stage.


Client                                                                                                              Coordinator









10/2018 to 06/2019