ReNu2Cycle – REcycling of NUtrients to close the fertiliser CYCLE


The EU imports over 6 million tons of mineral fertilizer annually: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K), partly from ecologically critical areas. The production of N via the Haber-Bosch-process is very energy-intensive and generates over 300 Mt of CO2 per year. The EU-funded, four-year ReNu2Cycle project aims to recycle nutrients from biological residues, such as digestate from biogas plants, sewage sludge from wastewater treatment plants, or animal residues such as manure. After recycling the nutrients, the bio-based fertilisers are tested and brought to market to replace conventional mineral fertilisers. In doing so, the ReNu2Cycle project reduces the need and dependence on imports of fossil-based fertilisers to North West Europe (NWE). ReNu2Cycle is the successor project to ReNu2Farm and builds on prior knowledge.


Aim of the project

The aim of the project ReNu2Cycle is to strengthen the circular bioeconomy by returning biological waste materials to the cycle as fertilisers. For this purpose, the recycled fertilisers are tested in pot and field trials, potential analyses are carried out, a sustainability assessment is made and finally policy recommendations are made. Through the Living Labs (LL) methodology, demonstration events will present the bio-based fertilisers to interested stakeholders and inform them about the application.


Project flow

WP 1

  • made RDF supply and generates infographics through material flow analysis from differing sources taking. Undertake sustainability analysis to enable farmers make informed decisions on sustainable fertiliser usage.
  • Examine legal conformity with the new EU Fertilising product regulation and other relevant regulations and the impact on the RDF market.
  • Actively engage stakeholders through (surveys, workshops) to increase acceptance of RDF products.

WP 2 will employ a Living Lab (LL) methodology to include stakeholders.
In innovation co-creation and dissemination activities RDF will be blended for optimal nutrient content and prototyped under controlled conditions in pot or micro-plot trials. Identified blends will be applied for demonstration on working farms in IE, BE, 2x DE, LUX and assessed agro-economically and environmentally. Creating a RDF blending tool for farmers to ease adoption.

WP 3 will actively incorporates findings into developing guidelines for market introduction strategies for RDFs. Through policy briefs and stakeholders oriented nutrient action plans support for bottom-up policy coherence.


Project partners


The project is funding by



03/2023 to 03/2027